Thursday, August 23, 2012

Then there was the LAST SUPPER at my Grandma's retirement home!

On Friday nights I join my family at Grandma's retirement home and we have Shabbos dinner.  This past Friday was the Last Supper there for a while.

OY!  I have "such a pretty face," but that tush has got to go!! I haven't heard THAT before!!!  And then there's the "She's gonna do it THIS TIME!"  which is basically implying that I have been a failure all those other times. What is it that makes people say that kind of stuff?!!!!!  I hope when I'm 90-ish like they are, I never say those hurtful things to people.  Food addiction is ADDICTION, and I, for one, have to just hand it over to G-d because I can't do this on my own.  So if you listen carefully on the second video, you can hear my Aunt J say, YOU'RE SO PRETTY, YOU SHOULD LOSE SOME WEIGHT! , egged on by my mom who says, "Tell her what you wanted to say!"  I used to get really angry when anyone said anything to me about my weight (Grandma once said I had gotten "tremendous," and my mom once told me that my eating "disgusted" her) but I know they love me and they mean well.  

                                      PART TWO

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