Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Video Blog is coming!

So my dad is going to help me pay for the Take Shape For Life food every month!  YAY!!!  This is great news because I can only work as a dental hygienist 2-3 days a week now with my previous injuries.  I figured out that it will cost me about $108 for all the food every week.  I spend about $300 a month grocery shopping and eating in restaurants, so Dad is going to contribute $100 to the cause.

Half the time I end up throwing out the food I buy in the grocery store, which is embarrassing to admit.   My fat friends often call me up last minute and we go out to eat.  All of my friends are struggling with their weight, too.  I told them all that things are about to change around here! 

I am giving myself a year to lose 100 pounds and get back down to my modeling weight of 160.  At least I know there will be an "expiration date" to dieting.  I was a size 14 then, and NO I'm not big-boned!  Actually, I was told that I am medium-boned, so I can't use the "big-boned" excuse.

I'm 5'7" and round like an apple.  I guess that means I'm also juicy and delicious.  Yeah, I'm single.  I mean, I gained so much weight that even I would not want to have sex with me at this point.  And I figure if I did have sex right now, being so out of shape and all, I'd probably need a week for my muscles to recover!!

For now, I will date myself!  I need to concentrate and focus on me (said the Leo!).  Guys would just distract me...and I'm only allowed 300 mg of caffeine daily so coffee dates are out!  And dinner dates are out.  And lunch dates and breakfast dates are out until I can get back in control of the enemy:  FOOD!  OVEREATING!  Lusting after sugar!  Craving carbs!  Food is the enemy right now.

And if I were an alcoholic I would NOT go into bars.  Too bad I still have to use my "drug of choice" every day, which for me is food.  I can't NOT ever eat.  I can't abstain.  I can't just say no.  Soooo....I am turning to a controlled program to help my brain STOP obsessing about what I can shove into my mouth next.  I can't wait for the carb and sugar cravings to go away.  I am excited to give it over to G-d and let sugar, salt, and fat go.   GO, sugar salt and fat!  GO AWAY!  Leave me alone!

1...6...0.  That's the magic number.  160 pounds.  See you soon! 



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