Thursday, August 30, 2012

Compulsive over-eaters! "Waiting Tips!" for 20 mins. after a meal

As a compulsive over-eater, I will tend to eat and eat and eat because while I am eating I don't get full.  But, as an educated individual, I know that it takes 20 minutes for the brain to signal the body that you are full.  I know this.  However, as a compulsive over-eater I keep eating and eating and eating until I'm beyond full....until I'm stuffed....I eat until I'm ready to lay on the couch and watch TV for an hour.

As part of the eating disorder, and instead of beating myself up over doing this behavior, I have to embrace the practice of WAITING 20 minutes after I eat a meal.  If I practice enough, it will become a habit.  I'll just keep telling myself to wait 20 minutes and see how I feel, until it becomes a part of my everyday eating life.

Here are my supportive nieces and sister-in-law who have mastered their desires to overeat.  They offer their tips of what they do to pass the 20 minutes and NOT KEEP EATING!!!

OK, so this morning I had a Medifast oatmeal, a glass of water, and coffee.  I still wanted more food.  So, while waiting that 20 minutes, I had a conversation with my cat, BB.  We discussed mice and flossing. 

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