Monday, August 27, 2012

Sugar Addiction and Opioid Receptors In Our Brains

So, I just wanted to talk about some research I am doing about the brain and addictions.  Most people don't realize that the opioid receptors in our brains react in a similar "feel-good" way whether we are using heroin, cocaine, or......(big drum roll here) sugar!  In fact, in lab studies involving rats, the ONLY time a rat would scale a difficult wall to get to the other side was when there was COCAINE or SUGAR as the reward.

The rats didn't scale the wall for food or water.

If you are struggling with trying to get off sugar, just Google this:

"Sugar addiction and Opioid Receptors"

You are gonna be amazed.  So stop beating yourself up about loving sugar and feeling unable to control your desire for it (like I did), and do a little investigating on the ADDICTIVE POWER of SUGAR.

Plus, sugar is bad for your teeth, too!  (This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood dental hygienist!).

On the other hand, these soy crisps are outrageously delicious and satisfying!!  And they have real sugar, not the fake stuff.  The question is, can I eat only ONE lil snack package and just stop there?? !  THAT is the challenge.  But boy oh boy, if you want a little sugar, these things are amazing!

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