Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tuesday was a good day!

Not much going on today.  I'm home working and doing laundry.  No stress.

Dinner was fantastic!  Salmon baked with lemon pepper and a tsp. of lemon, sauteed scallions, celery, tomatoes, cabbage, and spinach in the wok with a shpritz of canola oil spray.  Remember the red peppers!

My only food problems today were those dang 15 calorie sugar-free popsicles!!  I had about 3.  No, I for sure had 3.  A grape, an orange, and a cherry to top off the night.  As a TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE snack, one would have been the magic number!

On a personal note, Tuesday night was great.  I spoke on the phone for 2.5 hours with my 18 years younger ex...let's call him Mr. T...the one who lives in California...the one who told me two years ago that I was getting too fat to have sex with!  Yeah, that one!  Well, after a few attempts to break apart, we never really did break the connection.  Not even moving back to Columbus has kept us apart.  We've been talking all along, seeing each other every time I go back to Cali for work, and texting a lot.  We've settled into a nice friendship, actually. much of a friendship as you can have when two people are still romantically involved.  Now that I'm in Ohio, he's starting to appreciate and value me more, and that feels soooo good.  I still love him.  I was super pissed off at him but I never stopped loving him.  A few months ago he dared me to lose weight and get healthy.  I promised him I would do it and he said, "I'll believe it when I see it."

I wasn't ready then.  I'm ready now.  I have Mr. T's picture in my head when I'm on the treadmill.  I have my niece Samantha's fierce breast stroke picture in my head, too.

AND, I have that skinny picture of ME in my head, too.  The skinny me is inside here, waiting to experience life as a skinny person!  I was 27 when I was finally fit, for the first time since I was five!  It lasted for about a year, and then I started packing on the pounds slowly but surely.

Everything has got to be better!  And I guarantee you, the next time Mr. T sees me, he's gonna be in shock!!!!

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