Friday, October 19, 2012

Hi! I'm here in San Francisco for work! What a challenge to be in this glorious city with restaurants on every corner. There are so many restaurants here that if you ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner at a different restaurant each time, you STILL would never eat at all these restaurants!!

This trip, I am not eating my way through this town. Instead, I am eating only proteins and veggies in restaurants.

I pack my lunch in a thermos, and walk the streets with cereals & ready-made shakes in my knapsack. So far so good. My clothes are getting super loose and when I get back to Ohio I'm going to have to get new scrubs!

Here's the view from The Cheesecake Factory at Macys! Everyone is partying, eating, drinking, walking, and enjoying the heat wave!

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm heading to California today, and check out this seat belt on the plane!!! Last time I flew I had to get a seat belt extender because the seat belt was way too tight. This is a huge sweet milestone! Yay!

I'm down 26.4 pounds and what a difference! It was much easier to tie my shoes after the security checkpoint, too.

As for the food challenge for the next 12 days, I'm on it! I had to pack an extra suitcase to fit all the food in so I can take it all with me! I also packed a thermos so I can take a warm lunch to work next week.

My Ready-Made shake got confiscated at security. They said it's over the size limit for liquids. Oh well, I packed plenty of cereal for the ride so I'm ready for anything!!!

Up up and awaaaay!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I'm on the left! I'm 1/4 of the way to my goal! Go Bucks!



So many food challenges today. I'm drinking tea and water but that's a drag because there are nasty porta-potties only! Yuck.
I do have to say that I am feeling the weight loss! I feel great! Lots of energy, and as long as I eat protein soon (grilling salmon and saying NO to hotdogs!), I'll be in good shape! I added a bit of chicken to the chicken soup to give me that extra protein. Ok, I'm workin' it !!